
Potential Pielachtal – integrative considerations as an opportunity for new spatial qualities

Which opportunities for new spatial qualities along the Mariazellerbahn Railway are offered by an integrative consideration of landscape, settlement structure and mobility in the Kleinregion Pielachtal?

Patrick Zöchling

Diploma in Architecture

E260-2 – Landschaftsarchitektur und Landschaftsplanung

Supervisor: Annalisa Mauri, Sibylla Zech

In my diploma thesis I investigate alternatives to the current resource-intensive settlement and
transport development using the example of the small region of Pielachtal (Lower Austria).

The Mariazellerbahn Railway – Austria’s longest and at the same time most modern narrow-gauge railway – offers the potential for an attractive mobility backbone. Based on a qualitative spatial analysis, potentials for the railway stations as mobility hubs and structural densification and open space design in the station surroundings are derived.

In combination with strategies for climate change adaptation, a region-wide catalogue of measures for resilient spatial development is created at the intersection of landscape, settlement structure and mobility.

Integrative visions of the future illustrate the rail-oriented ideas in the form of urban studies in the surroundings of the stations. Finally, proposals for the design of inter-communal planning processes offer implementation perspectives for new spatial qualities along the Mariazellerbahn railway.

The process, which has been open since the beginning, with the Regional Office Pielachtal & climate change adaptation model region Pielachtal (KLAR! Pielachtal), the municipalities of the region (Ober-Grafendorf, Weinburg, Hofstetten-Grünau, Rabenstein a.d.P., Kirchberg a.d.P., Loich, Schwarzenbach a.d.P., Frankenfels), the Lower Austria Railways (Niederösterreich Bahnen) and the Society for the Promotion of Research Lower Austria (GFF NÖ), has already provided unique opportunities to pass on the knowledge gained to local actors and residents in the form of events (Long Night of Research, touring exhibition) or consultations (cooperation in the strategy workshop, consultation check for the municipalities).

In close cooperation with:
Regional Office Pielachtal: Mag.(FH) Lotte Riesenhuber, MA; Edith Kendler, MA; Barbara Zöchbauer, MA; BGM Ing.Kurt Wittmann
Municipalities of the region: Ober-Grafendorf, Weinburg, Hofstetten-Grünau, Rabenstein a.d.P., Kirchberg a.d.P., Loich, Schwarzenbach a.d.P., Frankenfels
Lower Austria Railways: Philip Schroll, BA; Dipl.-Ing. Markus Schreilechner, MSc
Society for Research Promotion of Lower Austria: Mag. Karin Peter; Mag. Sigrid Rulitz

Prize Winner, „Wissen schafft Zukunft Preis 2021“, Government of Lower Austria
Recognition, „Award der Prof. Albert Speer-Stiftung 2022“, Prof. Albert Speer-Foundation & TU Kaiserslautern
Grand Prize Winner, „Rudolf-Wurzer-Preis 2022“, City of Vienna & TU Vienna

Long Night of Research 2022, The interaction of spatial planning and rail traffic using the example of Pielachtal and Mariazellerbahn, Diploma thesis as the basis for a research trip with guided walks around the railway station Klangen, together with: GFF NÖ, KLAR! Pielachtal, Community of Weinburg, Lower Austria Railways, The Ruranauts

BIORAMA NÖ #7 Juli 2021, Unland?, Die lange letzte Meile, S.23
Magazin Raumdialog 2/2023 Juni 2023, Dialog Regional, Potential Pielachtal, S.20-21

In my diploma thesis I investigate alternatives to the current resource-intensive settlement and
transport development using the example of the small region of Pielachtal (Lower Austria).

The Mariazellerbahn Railway – Austria’s longest and at the same time most modern narrow-gauge railway – offers the potential for an attractive mobility backbone. Based on a qualitative spatial analysis, potentials for the railway stations as mobility hubs and structural densification and open space design in the station surroundings are derived.

In combination with strategies for climate change adaptation, a region-wide catalogue of measures for resilient spatial development is created at the intersection of landscape, settlement structure and mobility.

Integrative visions of the future illustrate the rail-oriented ideas in the form of urban studies in the surroundings of the stations. Finally, proposals for the design of inter-communal planning processes offer implementation perspectives for new spatial qualities along the Mariazellerbahn railway.

The process, which has been open since the beginning, with the Regional Office Pielachtal & climate change adaptation model region Pielachtal (KLAR! Pielachtal), the municipalities of the region (Ober-Grafendorf, Weinburg, Hofstetten-Grünau, Rabenstein a.d.P., Kirchberg a.d.P., Loich, Schwarzenbach a.d.P., Frankenfels), the Lower Austria Railways (Niederösterreich Bahnen) and the Society for the Promotion of Research Lower Austria (GFF NÖ), has already provided unique opportunities to pass on the knowledge gained to local actors and residents in the form of events (Long Night of Research, touring exhibition) or consultations (cooperation in the strategy workshop, consultation check for the municipalities).

In close cooperation with:
Regional Office Pielachtal: Mag.(FH) Lotte Riesenhuber, MA; Edith Kendler, MA; Barbara Zöchbauer, MA; BGM Ing.Kurt Wittmann
Municipalities of the region: Ober-Grafendorf, Weinburg, Hofstetten-Grünau, Rabenstein a.d.P., Kirchberg a.d.P., Loich, Schwarzenbach a.d.P., Frankenfels
Lower Austria Railways: Philip Schroll, BA; Dipl.-Ing. Markus Schreilechner, MSc
Society for Research Promotion of Lower Austria: Mag. Karin Peter; Mag. Sigrid Rulitz

Prize Winner, „Wissen schafft Zukunft Preis 2021“, Government of Lower Austria
Recognition, „Award der Prof. Albert Speer-Stiftung 2022“, Prof. Albert Speer-Foundation & TU Kaiserslautern
Grand Prize Winner, „Rudolf-Wurzer-Preis 2022“, City of Vienna & TU Vienna

Long Night of Research 2022, The interaction of spatial planning and rail traffic using the example of Pielachtal and Mariazellerbahn, Diploma thesis as the basis for a research trip with guided walks around the railway station Klangen, together with: GFF NÖ, KLAR! Pielachtal, Community of Weinburg, Lower Austria Railways, The Ruranauts

BIORAMA NÖ #7 Juli 2021, Unland?, Die lange letzte Meile, S.23
Magazin Raumdialog 2/2023 Juni 2023, Dialog Regional, Potential Pielachtal, S.20-21

Diploma in Architecture

E260-2 – Landschaftsarchitektur und Landschaftsplanung

Supervisor: Annalisa Mauri, Sibylla Zech